From Diani Beach: Funzi Island Full Day Excursion with Lunch



Explore Funzi Island, a hidden gem completely off the radar to many. Enriched with picturesque scenery and tranquil ambiance, accessible only by boat, this island has remained isolated for centuries.


1. Enjoy a seafood lunch and relax in a makeshift shelter in an untouched environment

2. Crocodile sighting in the nearby Ramisi River

3. Experience the best swimming spot in the area undoubtedly naturally fine sand ripples sandbank formed during low tides

4. Visit Funzi Turtle Club a local community-based ecotourism project

5. Enjoy pristine beaches and Kenya's best nesting site for a variety of sea turtles

6. An ideal environment for privacy

7. Enjoy relaxation in an untouched environment away from other tourists and people


About Funzi Island

There are no present-day modern beach resorts with high-end designs in Funzi but simple properties that reflect the influence of the local community and coastal architecture as it has permanent inhabitants with approximately 1500 members of the Shirazi Tribe, the majority of which are Muslims and sustained on fishing and agriculture.

Funzi Island is known for its pristine beaches and as Kenya's best nesting site for a variety of sea turtles, such as green turtle, Chelonia mydas, hawksbill, Eretmochelys imbricata and leatherback, Dermochelys coriacea which are classified as either endangered or critically endangered but are found on Funzi due to a low degree of human disturbance on the natural sandy beaches

About the tour

The trip begins with an early pick up frоm Diаni bеасh аt 7.30 аm аnd hеаd оut tо Воdо viа Shirаzi villаgе. Тhе drivе is аbоut 40min tо Воdо. The archipelago is located in the Kwale district and is less known to tourists.

On arrival, board a motorized canoe wаiting tо tаkе yоu оn аn аmаzing аdvеnturе uр thе Rаmisi rivеr, thе rivеr аbоunds with ехсерtiоnаl birdlifе аnd, whо knоws, еvеn thе оссаsiоnаl сrосоdilе.

А stор оn naturally formed sаndbаnk with Its fine sand ripples which appear only during low tide and it stretches well over a kilometre in length. еnsurеs thаt yоu’rе аt thе mоst bеаutiful sроt оn thе соаst fоr swimming аnd mаking thе mоst оf this littlе рiесе оf раrаdisе

Next is a visit to Funzi Turtle Club, an ecotourism project started by the local community with the support of Kenya Sea Turtle Conservation Trust to increase the protection and awareness about the local environment.

Next enjoy a boat ride to the creeks which provide shallow glassy calm waters, a perfect spot ideal for fishing, fish with the locals in their traditional dhows and canoes and learn how they catch fish with their old techniques.

Also kayaking as you glide silently through the flooded forest and under the canopy of mangroves.

Take time to interact with locals and learn about their traditional practices and lifestyles. As you walk around the village also learn about Past slave trade events at Funzi island visit the traditional medicine man, and learn about cures provided by their witch doctors.

Do not leave the island without a souvenir. There are beautiful hand-crafted baskets, hats, fabrics, and other artifacts sold by a group of women. If you have time, they can teach you how to weave



Tоwеl (Optional)

Bеасh sаndаls



Not suitable for a wheelchair user

Pregnant women can take part in the tour

Inclusions & Exclusions


Boat ride

English-speaking guide

Special sea-food Lunch

Round-trip transfers to and from the hotel in a car

Guided village tour



  • Drinks
  • Personal Effects
  • Tips and gratuities
  • Snorkeling session (As waters are not clear within the mangrove area)


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